My professional accounting career began in 1973. I worked as an accounting clerk during the years I was in college, and afterwards, like most of us with an Accounting major went straight to Corporate America to climb that corporate ladder.
In 1990 I was retained as a consultant by a large nationwide accounting firm where I was assigned to a national non-profit agency with locations across the United States. My responsibility was to manage the southern region of the non-profit and that started my interest in the non-profit world.
Since then I have consulted with small, mid-sized and national non-profit organizations with various managerial responsibilities. I also have computer programming and systems management experience that was gained over the years that has put me in very exciting consulting positions designing and maintaining accounting systems.
My experience has afforded me the unique opportunity to be of help to organizations who need a wide range of support systems and it has been my pleasure to support non-profit organizations with the experience I have acquired.

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing… layout, processes, and procedures.
Tom Peters
My Goal is to help agencies no matter where they are located to continue serving the public by bridging the gap between the agency and funding sources. To help ensure compliance with fiscal policy and support systems.
About Metro Habitat
Metro Habitat Services, Inc. NFP is a non-profit tax exempt organization.
We provide services that help people and families who are less fortunate than ourselves. Your donation help us to fulfill our goals of providing relief to those who are in need. Check with your tax professional to determine your tax exemption when making a donation. We appreciate your compassion in helping others with your donation.
Communities—both urban and rural—have found that the need for
affordable housing increasingly surpasses the supply.
Throughout the country, community-based nonprofit organizations have emerged as effective producers of affordable housing—often in partnership with local government, financial institutions, foundations and others. Helping people who are not as fortunate as others has been a global effort where many have stretched their resources to reach out to those who, by no fault of their own, have come into dire straits situations.
We welcome you to our site where you can be an important part of this global community providing invaluable blessings to those in need.
Being a part of this effort allows us to show our friends and neighbors across the globe that we all care and we understand that situations in our life can change from one day to the next.
7061 W. North Avenue Suite 106 Oak Park, Il. 60302-1002
FEIN: 14-1848146 established 2002
Communities that work together, grow together. Success in numbers.