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Nonprofits are Important to our Community
Nonprofit organizations are essential to our quality of life not only because of the valuable programs they provide local citizens, but also because of the positive economic impact within our local communities.
Nonprofit organizations play a growing role in the social and economic well-being of the United States. They provide services, goods and resources to meet community needs. They are businesses, most often charitable, that assist other businesses in the community to drive economic development, the arts, cultural awareness, education, health, and spirituality — virtually every sector of society. As government agencies and the private sector have scaled back their charitable giving in recent years, nonprofits have become indispensible.
It is very important that your organization remains in compliance with non-profit rules and regulations so you cn continue to be an integral contributor to the health and welfare of our society and be able to give others the means to help those who are not as fortunate as others by giving them reliable resources to help.
Grant Management Non-profit Fund Accounting is a requirement for non-profit organizations that we cannot get around and expect to keep or increase funding for our projects. This site is designed to introduce an invaluable resource to new start-ups, existing organizations, board of directors and others on how to setup and maintain compliance systems for funding sources and donors.
Why is this information Important? Non-profits have very specific compliance and governance regulations. This book will assist in ensuring organizations have the resources and information required to track grant expenditures, create meaningful reporting and maintain records for agency decision making.
Funders require detailed reporting of how grant funds are spent. In addition to deliverables funders review financial statements and budgets to determine if an organization is fiscally sound and spending grant funds according to the agencies stated purpose.
Start-up organizations as well as established charities will benefit from plain and simple illustrations and instruction on how to set up fiscal and document systems, helping to ensure compliance with federal, state, local and private grant makers.
We have made this book affordable to give you the basic information you will need and included in the book are links to free forms for your use. You will gain great insight into the reporting requirements, accounting requirements and you will be able to provide periodic status report on the agency’s health
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Non-Profits In America
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Automatic Revocation of Exemption List
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Why you need this book
You will be able to manage, prepare and maintain fund balance reports manually or with a computerized accounting system. Prepare for A-133 audit requirements of some non-profit organizations depending on size of federal funding, and prepare and support grant fund allocations for funding sources. You will also learn to provide fund reports to management, auditors,